At Spring Street Dental in Cobourg, we offer the Pinhole Surgery Technique which is a scalpel-free, suture-free solution for receding gums.
What is Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation?
Gum recession breakthrough treatment is also known as Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation™ and Lunchtime Gum Lift™
The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique (PST®), invented and patented by John Chao, D.D.S., is a scalpel-free, suture-free procedure for treating gum recession.
How does it work?
First, a small hole is made in the gum tissue with a needle. Then, the gum tissue is loosened and guided over the receded part of the tooth. Since there is no incision or suturing, patients can expect minimal post-operative symptoms (pain, swelling, and bleeding).
If you experience painful gums, sensitivity to hold and cold beverages, and exposed tooth roots or gaps between the top of your tooth and gums, then you may be a candidate for Pinhole Surgery.